Every stage of Nico's development so far has been my favorite. I keep wanting to freeze her at certain stages but then get excited about what will come next and realize I don't have control over it anyway. I remember when she started getting really "fun" at around 6mo and thinking she was already growing up too quickly, just before she was sitting independently. Then came more verbalizations, scooting, rolling to get what she was after, and pulling up. Trying foods, all new to her, like a champ. She's never completely rejected anything she's tried, apart from store bought food pouches. We still continually give her new and different foods to eat and some of her favorites are things like straight up broccoli and cauliflower, black beans (cold!), carrots, falafel, hummus, watermelon, and any grain (brown rice, farro, barley, etc.). She's a vegan baby, incredibly healthy, and is/has always been super alert and attentive. The second we enter a room she'll notice what's different. She's a people watcher and a people person. She's the kid who will go up to other babies at play group or story time and hug them with sweet genuine hugs. Other babies cringe or look away, but she'll gladly sit by you. If you're an adult and you're coming to hang out with us for more than 3 minutes in our home then you're getting a hug too. I'm still her favorite though and I'll take it :) My heart is so full of love for her, I just never imagined feeling this way about a little stinker. I think Jason would agree. Lately she's walking around so proudly and independently. She takes off by herself wherever she wants to go and gets back up after a spill. Her giggles are the best, especially the ones she makes when she either thinks you're chasing her or looks back to tell you to come on and hurry up and chase her. She's a ham and she knows it. She wakes up "talking" most days and only stops for naps! She does a great job playing by herself at different times of the day but is also happy to play with others. It's so neat to watch her interaction and development change with toys. She still chews on most things (12 teeth so far, 8 more to go) but she's started talking on the phone by holding it up to her ear (by herself but also when she hears the phone ring), putting things in/taking things out of containers or other toys, and her newest cute thing is sharing - and she's serious about it. If she tries to give you a toy or a piece of food and you put it to the side, that doesn't fly with her. She's doing fantastic with her swimming lessons and the teacher has even asked if she can help demonstrate skills at the upcoming 2-week group swim classes. I feel so lucky to be a mama. We are both so blessed to be Nico's parents. She's going to rock this world.
Tidbit: The song she was suppposed to be born to is called For Those About to Rock by AC/DC. Perhaps not your typical birth song but it wasn't your typical birth either. The way things worked out we felt it was best to not have music in the operating room and let the doctors work in peace, but she's still about to rock, world, so watch out!