Saturday, July 7, 2012

Update Saturday July 7

Update July 7

Another good day in terms of my Mom's mental attitude, her body feeling better and hopefully a step closer to home in Vero. However, some trepidation about the swallow test on Monday.

She continues to have an improved outlook and be happier, with it mentally, etc.  She is walking around quite a lot and generally in good spirits.  The tentative side we all feel is that there is still some drainage from the neck, that appears to be saliva.  It is unclear if the decrease in drainage is still occurring, or has "stalled".  In any event, this means that the esophagus is not yet fully healed.  The ENT doctor said that the throat may basically form some scar tissue (he said
ridges) around the tear and it may be necessary to go in surgically to sew it up.  As I have noted in the past, these are the 2 options being considered - let it heal by itself or at some point go in and sew it up. The doctors want it to heal by itself, but ultimately it needs to heal one way or another.

The ENT doctor also reiterated his confidence that it would be ok (the surgery to sew it up), but how serious the previous issue was when she came in on Thursday night.  He mentioned having a grapefruit sized abscess in her chest.  I have heard abscess in her neck and fluid in her chest, so I'm not sure exactly what was drained from where on Friday morning one week ago, but I know that it was a big deal and serious.
Thank God for the healing from that surgery.

The following prayers have been answered:
My Mom had another good night of sleep, and a good nap today
Her body continues to fight off any infection / God continues to remove
any infection from her
Her mental state has improved dramatically, since the operation and
coming off the morphine
She did not seem preoccupied at all with the hunger she has started to

Please pray for:
Her esophagus to be fully healed by her swallow test on Monday
Faith in God's plan for my Mom, as we want this healing by Monday but do not know His plan
All of us to glorify God through this process, in the ways He desires us to - which we may not know

Thank you,

Russell and Diana

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